11328. William DYLNOTT died on 27 Apr 1528 in Sellinge Kent.(37) He signed a will on 27 Apr 1528 in Sellinge Kent. (562) In Dei Nomine Amen.The xth daye of Ap'le in the yere of our Lord God 1528 I William Dylnott theldar of the parrishe of Sellyng next Horton Monkyns in the Countie of Kent beyng hole and perfite of remembraunce God be thankid do make my testament and last will conteyned in the same in maner and forme foloweng. First I bequeith my soule unto allmyghty God to Our Lady Saynte Marye and to all the Holy company of Heven and my bodye to be buryed yn the churcheyarde of Sellyng aforesaid. Item I bequeith to the high aulter of the same churche for my tithes and oblations negligently forgoten or withholden xij d. Item, to every of the lights if the crosse and oure ladye there iiij d Item,I will have doon for me at my burieng iiij masses at my monethis day iiij masses and at my yeres mynde what shall please myne executors. Item, I give and bequeith to Parnell my wif ij kyene, my mare and all my instuff durying her lif and aft her decesse I will yt shall remayne unto my sonne Thomas holy except the kiene and mare whiche to be at her disposition. Item, I will she shall have one acre of whete and one acre of oats. Item, I will to my sonne Thomas all the residue of my whete and oats to help pay my detts with.Item, I will my said sonne to have my caple of oxen if he can fynde the meanes to pay my detts so that they nede not to be sold to helpe paye with my detts. And I will that my other cowe be sold imediatly to paye with my detts and bequeists and all the residue of all my goods and cattells my detts and bequeists fynally payd and doon I will shall remayne to my sonne Thomas Dylnott whiche Thomas my said sonne and Thomas Dylnott theldre my cousin I ordeyne make and constitute myne executors of this my present will and testament and I desire my cousyn William Dylnott of his charite to ne myne overseer of this present will and testament. And as towching the disposition of all my landes and tenements, first I will that the said Thomas Dylnott my cousin shall have take and receive all the proffitts and revenues comyng of all my landes whiche we shold shifft or make petition of from the feste of Saynt Michell Tharchangell next ensueyng the date hereof unto the time of syx yeres then next foloweng and fully to be completed, to have hold and occupie that same parte of the houses and landes with thappurtenances to the same Thomas his heires and assignes durying all the said time without any monie payeing but it be for rent full payment and contestation of the syx yeres that I have occupied his parte therein to be ended at the feste abovesaid and not paid the ferme thereof he fynding my wyf an honest chambre therein with fyre and flete at all tymes with free comyng and goyng at all times duryng the said tyme os syx and the terme yeres so ended. Then I will my parte of the said houses and landes with the appurtenances shall remayne to my sonne Thomas and his heires for ever, he suffryng my said wyfe ti have and receive half the revenues and proffitts thereof durying her lyfe. These beyng witness Sir Richard ( ) John Elvy clerke, John Haulke, Thomas Dylnott his son and other.
(Probated 27th April 1528) He was born c1470 in Sellinge Kent.(563) He was married to Unknown PARNELL Unknown.(564) It is not clear whether the name Parnell is a Christion name or a surname. There is a large family of Parnells who originate from the Canterbury area, maybe she is one of those.

11329. Unknown PARNELL died after 1538. She was born c1470. Children were:

child5664 i. Thomas DYLNOTT.

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